Compatible with
iOS 11.0 – 11.4.1

For all iPhones, iPods touch, iPads and Apple TVs

SHA1: 2b16ad303c06c6ba06b19621071a11dbfd8fed64

Download (tvOS)
Thanks to nitoTV and Jaywalker for the tvOS port!

SHA1: d2017d0af76b0f6de3cd18fae555535df3cbda70

Important: Make sure to delete OTA update, install tvOS profile (only install tvOS profile on iOS) and reboot before using Electra!

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Become a Patron!

Changelogs and Previous versions

  1. Ships with only Sileo.
  2. Ships with Sileo 1.9.1 (the last version to support iOS 11)
  3. Update to Chimera bootstrap
  4. Update to libhooker
  5. Backport some fixes from Chimera 1.5 and Odyssey
  6. Auto-select between async_wake/mach_swap/mach_swap2 (removes voucher_swap/v1ntex)
  1. Now ships with both Cydia and Sileo installed by default (Cydia will eventually no longer be shipped by default, but will always be installable)
  1. Increase jailbreak success rate on A7 - A8 on 11.2+
  2. Update liboffsetfinder64 to latest version
  1. No longer require platformization to control launchd (requires tweaks switch enabled)
  2. Replace jailbreakd with jailbreakd2 (Next-gen fully-async jailbreakd with prioritization and a faster queuing system)
  3. jailbreakd2: Fix freezing in low memory conditions
  4. jailbreakd2: Faster ldrestarts, resprings
  5. jailbreakd2: XCode debugging success rate improved (click continue in the debugger on SIGCONT to proceed debugging)
  1. Fix a bug in v1ntex that resulted a kernel panic later in Step 2
  2. Actually test on an A7 device on 11.4 (thanks PastRestore on discord)
  1. Fix offsetfinder path issue for A7 & A8 devices on 11.4-11.4.1
  1. Fix sandbox issues causing app crash on A7 & A8 devices on 11.4-11.4.1
  2. Fix post-exploitation (stage 2) failures on A7 & A8 devices on 11.2 - 11.4.1
  1. Replace threadm1ll exploit with v1ntex for A7 & A8 devices on 11.2-11.4.1
  2. Fix initial ldrestart not working on some devices
  1. Fix async_wake so jailbreaking 11.0-11.1.2 works properly
  2. Fix nonce generator button not working
  1. Fix build number so 11.4 - 11.4.1 works properly
  1. Supports iOS 11.4 - 11.4.1
  2. Add async_wake exploit to add support for iOS 11.0 - 11.1.2
  3. Use voucher_swap exploit instead of empty_list for iOS 11.2 - 11.4.1
  4. Add threadm1ll exploit as an option for iOS 11.2 - 11.4.1 users on A7 or A8 devices
  5. Fix overnight reboots
  6. Reverted app to git commit 9d9762bdf46f19c4082d82798af41ca273fb0e37 before all code was rewritten from there forward
  1. Update APT and dpkg packages for Sileo
  2. Split cydia into a base and GUI package, so it may be installed alongside Sileo
  3. Fix occasional data abort kernel panics
  4. Fix occasional freezes that would result in a kernel panic from a watchdog timeout
  5. Improve reliability of vfs exploit (thanks externalist/FCE365)
  1. tvOS Only - Fix bugs with 1.0.4 causing long and unreliable jailbreak process
  1. Initial release for tvOS (huge thanks to nitoTV and Jaywalker!)
  1. Add support for 11.4 beta 1 - 11.4 beta 3 (multipath only tested on these firmwares)
  1. Use different bundle identifier for mptcp version
  2. Increment bundle id properly
  3. Hopefully fix success rate regression with multipath 1.0.1
  1. Fix app icon not showing up for certain users
  2. Fix nonce Generator not being set certain times
  1. Initial Release!
Electra for 11.0-11.1.2: Here

Important Information



Electra is a free jailbreak tool for iOS 11.0 - 11.3.1. It is recommended to futurerestore before running Electra. Although Electra itself should be safe, we are not responsible for any damage that may be caused to your iOS installation by any tweaks or executables you load after the jailbreak.