for iOS 11.0-11.1.2
Compatible with all iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and iPad mini models running iOS 11.0-11.1.2
SHA1: 13726baba7d8fcf4e3157fe548c00a5e0c4381df
Changelogs and Previous versions
- Fix missing file that was supposed to be in 1.1.0 (but was present on the 11.2-11.3.1 version)
Download: GitHub
SHA1: 27d80c9e6e899eb7b5e200f944e855e0476481cc
Mirror: Mega
- Update APT and dpkg packages for Sileo
- Split cydia into a base and GUI package, so it may be installed alongside Sileo
- Fix occasional data abort kernel panics
- Fix occasional freezes that would result in a kernel panic from a watchdog timeout
Download: GitHub
SHA1: ff0dbd93f757a3d0d90b167000f79d36a7b9ee56
Mirror: Mega
- Remove all XPC code that could possibly have been problematic ever since beta 11
- Replace TCP, UDP and XPC with MIG (thanks PsychoTea from the Meridian team)
- Recommended to also update Tweak Injector to 1.0.4 from our repo to get safe mode in system daemons as well
Download: GitHub
SHA1: 3aa1bdfce5870fdca81a2e978961bd767318ec55
Mirror: Mega
- Revert change to XPC in xpcproxy in beta 11
- Fix intermittent freezing issues that would affect certain devices on beta 10 -> 1.0.2
Download: GitHub
SHA1: d34bb806de8a3391493ef99726ac5918a686982b
Mirror: Mega
- Fix false positives where Electra would think topanga was installed when only liberiOS was
- Prevent loading pacakges from saurik's repo (since Cydia can't be patched to remove it)
- Fix APT 0.7 Strict (lib) on devices that may have already updated to the broken copy from saurik's repo
Download: GitHub
SHA1: 28d75e9937c9e704c4fda7aa710f7334688df0e2
Mirror: Mega
- Fix some false positives where Electra would think topanga was installed when only liberiOS was
Download: GitHub
SHA1: 07ffa31b7cc0f8db2fba248f0e3741988c3a0df6
Mirror: Mega
- Initial Release
Changelogs for betas:
Important Information
- An APFS snapshot is created of / so you may revert it at a later date if needed
- It is recommended to futurerestore if you have blobs before running Electra to ensure the best possible installation
- Cydia is included
- OpenSSH is running on port 22
- Electra repo added by default
- Substitute, Tweak Loader and Substrate Compatibility Layer available from Electra repo
- Many packages need to be updated for both Electra and iOS 11 (make sure they're updated before installing as they may not work yet)
- RocketBootstrap 1.0.6 or higher is required for use on iOS 11
- Many apps, launch daemons and installation binaries are broken as they require entitlements to be added
- Packaged by CoolStar
- Exploit by Ian Beer
- Trust cache injection and rootfs patch by xerub
- Zone map address fixup by Siguza
- jailbreakd, launchd patch, setuid patch, dylib injection and Safe Mode by CoolStar
- amfid patch and entitlement injection by theninjaprawn
- unlocknvram, initial dropbear work, substitute compilation fix by stek29
- sandbox mitigations by stek29 and coolstar
- MIG protocol implementation by PsychoTea
Electra is a free jailbreak tool for iOS 11.0 - 11.1.2. It is recommended to futurerestore before running Electra, although we have tested it to work if you are upgrading from an existing liberiOS or Electra beta installation. Although Electra itself should be safe, we are not responsible for any damage that may be caused to your iOS installation by any tweaks or executables you load after the jailbreak.