Linux Mint 18 for chromebooks

Features in beta 2:
  1. Based on Linux Mint 18 Cinnamon
  2. Full support for UEFI boot out of the box
  3. rEFInd Bootloader
  4. Support for dual-booting with UEFI Windows
  5. Optimized cmt driver for trackpads
  6. Universal image for C710 and all Haswell and Broadwell chromebooks
  7. Minimal kernel fixes to Ubuntu's kernel for better Trackpad & Touch Screen support
  8. Chrome pre-installed
  9. Both Libreoffice and the more modern WPS Office pre-installed
  10. Optimizations for systems with 2 GB RAM
  11. Optimizations done with minimal changes to the base Linux Mint 18 system

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How to Install:
  1. Use rufus to write the iso to a flash drive
  2. Select the USB drive in the UEFI and install

Upcoming features:
  1. Full Support for Pixel 2 Sound
  2. Further optimizations for Pixel 2